With a Love for Music and Mathematics

Failing so many times to find a solution to an advaced problem that you become the only one in the world totally understanding the solution when you solve it inspires Philippe Tassin, Professor at Condensed Matter and Materials Theory  at Chalmers University of Technology. Click on the article until it gets large enough. Please do […]

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State deficits, equality, welfare, and progressive taxation

State deficits, equality, welfare, and progressive taxation are crucially important to the climate and life on the planet. We can use these to create a degrowth capitalism with a comfortable future for all. Please do read the article here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/state-deficits-equality-welfare-progressive-taxation-crucially-oskar/   Further reading: Degrowth capitalism The deficit myth A modern migration theory  

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Degrowth capitalism: The importance of a radically potent but comfortable climate strategy

Degrowth capitalism with comfortable solutions for the individual are big parts of the climate solution. Please do read my LinkedIn article here: The importance of a radically potent but comfortable climate strategy Degrowth capitalism products need to last longer The big solution for the climate and nature is a society more run by the state […]

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Hjälp till tonårshjärnan

Här följer vetenskapliga studier och expertråd om hur föräldrar och pedagoger kan stödja sina tonåringars kognitiva och emotionella utveckling. Den tar upp både neurovetenskapliga insikter och praktiska råd. Läs reportaget via denna länk. Du kan också klicka på nedanstående bild för en större version.

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